Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011


At least i know what love is. like clouds love the sky, ocean loves sand, winter loves snow, snow love breeze, it’s all connected. it’s called unconditional love, it’s in our heart.
Friends ..
Friendship ,is not something you learn in school. but if you haven't meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything .

This is not about the bitter lesson, this is not about how hard to compete, not to be the leader. We Are many, We Are one
but it's about love, who we are?
Friends , who will not be forgotten even though the windows and doors is outdated, though no longer feel the school, though no longer able to joke and laugh, even though we are no longer together, although we've gone, though the world was no longer spinning. memories that will always exist, in our hearts and minds

when the tree no longer shady, we will always be together :
  And the other X1 enthusiast of SMAN 2 Tangerang